I missed writing an entry last week. Not that I haven’t learned anything I could discuss, but rather because I have been learning and coding a bit too much lately…
Learning more about Postgres
Among many other things (that will make for potentially quite a few other entries in the Blog), I learned one detail about one trick (really going down the rabbit holes sometimes…) in “Postgres”:
“Upsert” (“insert … on conflict…”) is a very neat trick. It makes my R code (a lot) cleaner & ensures atomic operations at the Database level, so I love it. 👍
What I recently learned about that wasn’t a worry in the past (it keeps happening!) is the impact on serial IDs 🧐 (and it makes sense why Postgres works that way, I’m not complaining, I just wasn’t aware until very recently):
Say I use it on ~210.000 (bear with me) rows a day, of which most of the time say ~209.900 are repeating entries (so they really should have been “updates”), on a table using a Serial ID. Those are very realistic numbers. And it’s not Big Data (although maybe it’s starting to be somewhere above “Small Data”…)
It turns out I’ll “burn” my serial identifiers in about ~10.000 days (a round number to justify why I used 210k as the example 🤪), as each Upsert is increasing the IDs to the next value – even when nothing at all needs change. So I’m “using” 210k IDs instead of 100 a day! Not too efficient (but then again: effective, as the code around the inserts and updates is shorter and cleaner…).
Maybe that’s OK? (I really don’t know where I’ll be in ~27 years 😅)
What if someone launches my script 10 times a day? Then everything will probably break (and I haven’t even thought how) in 2.7 years? I really don’t know yet if anyone but me would ever be using the same script on the same database…
What if then 10 people use it 10 times a day (that would mean my script went way beyond any expected success, mind you)… That’s 100 runs/day…?🤕
Should I use “Bigserial” – in practice avoiding the issue (technically pushing it to a much much later future 😂)?
Or should I take care of trying to avoid “Upserts” where I can – thereby making my code a bit more complex (e.g. making transactions my problem) – my choice for now.
What’s the impact of a very sparse & big index? 🤔 I guess I need to keep testing and learning…
(Note: please remember: I’m not actually a developer per-se, I just happen to use code sometimes, sorry if this is too obvious ;))
Other details
As you might expect, using a database is a bit different from using CSV files. It’s a bit harder to set up, but supposedly faster afterwards…
But not if you’re not careful…
At one point I followed a logic of my code and did one update per entry that made sense.
Trying to avoid the Upsert thing, I would check for duplicates.
I don’t have my laptop handy to reproduce the code here, but let’s just say (from memory) it required some mix of rbind(), group_by_all(), filter(n()>1) and ungroup()… And then some more filter(!(id %in% duplicated_id))…
Upsert would really make it easier! 😅
Anyhow, to the point:
Working with all of a table in memory (one big Select) on many many rows, might very well be faster than even a few select for a few rows…
In one case it turned out my assumption about “working with few rows and few selects” vs “working with lots of rows but only one select” was wrong by a factor of a hundred!
Just saying: Some assumptions are wrong and testing stuff is a good idea.
Here is to the “keep learning” attitude. Continuous improvement is not always easy, but hopefully it pays off to challenge one self on a regular basis.