Project Log: Day 9 – Maintenance and cleaning

Absolutely uninteresting in and of itself, but a note so that I understand later on where my efforts went.

Today is all about “investing in my future self”, namely writing some more in the report itself, but mostly taking the (working, mind you) bits and pieces and making something more orderly out of it:

  • Reorganize code
  • Implement more functions
  • Redistribute it all appropriately in folders (also to keep track of “versions”)
  • Give myself the options to visualize, modify parameters, etc.

NOT creating an application (Shiny, probably) yet. Although that would be ideal, it’s a bit early for that. And that would take some thinking anyway, plus quite a bit of effort (in spite of having a few templates of my own… Somehow I usually need a separate day to make a workable Shiny Dashboard that is up to my (low) standard).

Anyhow. Log entry written. Back to cleaning up the code somewhat.

Also, note for self… I should do that for a bit more than a spare hour, maybe I should invest a few hours over the weekend (even though the code base is not that complex just yet…).