Category: Basics

  • While on the train

    I decidedly LOVE riding on a train: For whatever reason, it’s one particular moment where I somehow focus a bit more than usual. It’s usually just a few hours, reasonably quiet environment, a bit more spacious than say airplanes (airplanes are just not the same, even with earplugs), no TV to distract my attention, the…

  • Project Log: First entry

    Intro It was time. This is my “Project’s Captain’s Log”. “Day 1” was in fact yesterday. Today was the first day in which I moved from “thinking” to “implementing” the project. First day, first issues. Today I focused on setting up the needed “base environment” for me to write more easily my future report (i.e.…

  • Simulation: Monte-Carlo & Input Distributions (1/n)

    Intro First, let me say, I know, it’s been a while. And that’s alright. I have plenty of good excuses 🙂 Now that doesn’t mean I should completely forget about this my little Blog. OK, so, for today: I’ve been studying Operations Research for about 3 months now, and we’re getting (in the Master course)…