Category: Basics

  • A basic scraping exercise for a friend

    Intro The other day a friend that owns a small business asked me for help. He needed to download all photos from a set of URLs of his own web-page, but there were hundreds of URLs, in each a few photos, and he didn’t really know how to go about it “quickly” (as always, it…

  • Higher Performance in R – Amdahl and Gustafson’s laws

    Intro So I’m currently taking this course about “High Performance Computing”. This entry is not about that exactly: let’s face it, R is not the best option there 😀 But some concepts I touched in the past I thought I could summarise today (for example of past entries: here or here, and more links in the…

  • The FizzBuzz Kata

    Intro I didn’t know about this one. Then again, I’m not “actually” a programmer, so I guess I have an excuse… Or do I? I do spend lots of time programming in R 🙂 It’s been a while since I last wrote here. Holidays + Master + full time job (and recently, the Cybersecurity world…