Category: Basics

  • Reading in JSON – Example with MITRE ATT&CK

    Moving away from CSV for a second As it turns out, I am TOO used to reading in and working with CSV. It’s only natural, it’s kind of the same thing as a data.frame (or the basis for it). So I thought I would write a demo with another input format. Another common format to…

  • Generalizing the “Ransomware approach” to other data

    No code for today. I am busy with other personal stuff, and this blog is only my “weekend hobby” after all. But I make a point of trying to write something every week, and if you’ll allow me, this week will not be about “R Programming”, but about concepts, of “applications of Anomaly Detection” and…

  • On Domain Expertise

    Once again I will step away from purely “programming” concepts, but this is tangent to say the least. This entry is more about theory of Data Science and one particular aspect, that is the “Domain Knowledge”. Speaking the right language There are discussions out there in the Project Management field, for example, about whether or…