Project Log: Day 9 – Maintenance and cleaning
Absolutely uninteresting in and of itself, but a note so that I understand later on where my efforts went. Today is all about “investing in my future self”, namely writing some more in the report itself, but mostly taking the (working, mind you) bits and pieces and making something more orderly out of it: Reorganize…
Project Log: First entry
Intro It was time. This is my “Project’s Captain’s Log”. “Day 1” was in fact yesterday. Today was the first day in which I moved from “thinking” to “implementing” the project. First day, first issues. Today I focused on setting up the needed “base environment” for me to write more easily my future report (i.e.…
When to parallelize and when not to
Intro I have finally delivered my last term paper for this year (one last year to go). It was about simulating traffic using graphs, onsets of congestion and the likes. Once again, the smallest graph was of order 4000+, and once again I had to work with MonteCarlo approach on 1000+ time steps for each…