Category: Best Practices

  • One step further: MongoDB Backend for our data

    Intro I mentioned I meant to use a database at some point for my logs and with R. Well, I will explain a (tiny) bit about that today. But first, what data can I possibly put into my upcoming “NoSQL” database? Well, I now have lots of data. I’ll use the DNS records from my…

  • Some basic “Home Lab” Server Maintenance

    Yes, I’m stepping away from pure coding concepts once again (sorry, I know the name of the Blog can be misleading sometimes… Think of all these sysadmin entries as prepping a working environment for our future data analysis exercises ;)) This bit is more about general thoughts & concepts on maintaining a running environment as…

  • Generalizing the “Ransomware approach” to other data

    No code for today. I am busy with other personal stuff, and this blog is only my “weekend hobby” after all. But I make a point of trying to write something every week, and if you’ll allow me, this week will not be about “R Programming”, but about concepts, of “applications of Anomaly Detection” and…