Category: Blog

  • Migrating to M1, Docker & RStudio included

    Intro This entry is a bit… Different. I just acquired a new MacBook Air M1. And some things worried me and indeed I faced a couple of issues, so here is the story about that. In case someone has doubts, like I did. I personally like Apple stuff. It’s a choice (not always a popular…

  • Learning about Computing Errors

    Intro As part of the courses I am taking, I learned about something I guess I, as a “computer engineer”, should have come across earlier; but well, it would seem I didn’t. I’ll just show 3 examples anyone can easily find out there on the Internet, of things that happen with floating point operations. Obviously…

  • Reports & Math: Rmd, LaTeX & mosaicCore

    Intro So long story short: I’m soon to start working on some reports that will include some math stuff. I could do that with a Word-like editor, but why would I when we have the marvelous R Markdown? Let’s test a few things that will surely come in handy… Creating reports to share So suppose…