Category: Blog

  • Cleaning Data: testing DataExplorer

    Intro (It’s been a few weeks, taking some time off to recharge batteries before I get myself into a master… So I thought it would be a good idea.) Anyhow, to the point: Many a time, when working with data, the first thing will be to “look at it”. Then maybe you’ll need to clean…

  • dplyr is not faster

    Intro The other day, someone asked in a Telegram group how to go about changing some factor with 4 levels to another set of factors with two levels, in R. So you had originally factors A, B, C, and D, and the new factor would be X for the first 3 cases, and Y for…

  • Simulating a SOC (part II): GUI

    Intro Last week I started a small program to simulate a SOC. This week, I wanted to see if I could make it more… Visual. This here is the “final” result working with the simulator from last week: But it wasn’t easy… So here is the long-story-short about that. (No code, as I am not…