Before ML
Applying Machine Learning algorithms and “doing AI” is only a (relatively) small part of the whole process of modern data analysis. As I have mentioned maybe a few times by now, a much bigger part of it all has to do with gathering, cleaning, “munging”, and then understanding and visualizing. Modelling usually cannot happen before…
Logs Classification using ML (2/2)
Last week we set up the context for today’s entry. Warning: Today’s post is possibly one of the most ambitious I have written in this Blog, in terms of “concepts touched”. It is very practical, and hopefully neither boring nor completely unintelligible. More importantly: It’s about what everyone talks about, “Machine learning”. (It’s hence…
Logs Classification using ML (1/2)
Intro In this blog so far, there has been rather little “Machine Learning”. That wasn’t really intentional, but incidentally, it does show something about the whole “Data Science Process”: There is much more time to be dedicated to Data Engineering (i.e. Getting & Cleaning Data) and Exploratory Data Analysis (a.k.a. EDA, during which the objective…