GeoIP for Maps
To start of the year 2021, let’s go on with a visualization, using my “Home Lab”-generated data… I might have mentioned the idea of creating “maps” in the past. Bringing that down to earth, what will usually apply for us (in the IT Security field), i.e. a typical use-case for this is “geo-IP”. In other…
Playing with logs basics – Regex
Last post of 2020 (most probably). Not specific to R per-se, true. I personally believe that any IT security analyst should be able to work with regular expressions. Not only for logs, mind you, but when it comes to it, I think it is a basic skill. Using regular expressions to filter logs OK so…
Some basic “Home Lab” Server Maintenance
Yes, I’m stepping away from pure coding concepts once again (sorry, I know the name of the Blog can be misleading sometimes… Think of all these sysadmin entries as prepping a working environment for our future data analysis exercises ;)) This bit is more about general thoughts & concepts on maintaining a running environment as…