Category: Blog

  • Reading CSVs faster in R

    Intro They say most of the time spent, when working in Data Science, is spent on preparing the data for the analysis. This has definitely been my experience so far. That one time, not so long ago, a Wednesday night, I was working on a report – actually I made it a Dashboard (yes, Shiny).…

  • A (very) simple “Network Traffic Visualization” using Network Graphs

    A network visualization has nodes and edges. I like to apply it to actual IT Networks Traffic visualizations, where there are connections (edges) between two IP addresses/machines (i.e. “nodes”). Let’s try and apply that to some Netflow data… Getting the data After some searching (that was some time ago now), I came across There…

  • Visualizing the status of multiple ongoing projects

    They say big part of “Data Science” is about communicating information. This entry is about one visualization. Motivation I have been thinking for a couple of days now about how to best “transmit” the status of a set of projects. I have 40+ projects to inform about at work, but progress about 40+ projects is…