Category: Machine Learning

  • Getting into Apache Spark

    Intro Most RDBMS’s are just fine. Hadoop does work for Big Data (I used it some years back), although HQL proved a bit slow… And I haven’t “needed” anything to make things faster for now… But for whatever reason, one can’t be “into data science” (or data analysis, or whatever you name it…), without knowing…

  • Looking for ideas

    Intro So this particular entry is a bit… Different. At least I’m circling back to Cybersecurity, which I hadn’t mentioned for a while. I have spent some time lately just “thinking” about what to do for the Master’s final project (aka Master Thesis). And here are some thoughts. About the process In a book (this…

  • Going AutoML – Clustering Example

    Now I’m probably NOT a good reference for this, but the “low-code” trend does make sense… Up to a point. As long as you understand what you’re doing, it’s probably an OK approach. After all, one doesn’t need to be a mechanic to drive a car… Although I’m certain there is a plus side if…