Category: Master Thesis

  • Project Log: Day 18 – Some numbers

    So let’s do an exercise here. What’s my O()? The order of how many processing steps I’m doing? It’s not too awfully hard to “guesstimate”. *** EDIT: All numbers of operations below are wrong at least by a factor of 8, because where it says O(N^2) it should have said O(kN), where k is the…

  • Project Log: Day 17 – Crown Jewels Version

    I mentioned it this morning, I could re-program my simulation-based optimization thing to aim for different objectives… And so I did. Here the results: Same visualization as the last one (left: before, right: after optimization, top: Protection, bottom: detection&cleaning). Now suppose you want to protect SPECIFICALLY say 4 nodes from infection, say your DB Servers…

  • Project Log: Day 17

    It’s been a hell of a week so far. A good one. Now I have the weekend in front of me, and as I’m a bit tired, I’ll slow down a bit. Or maybe next week, instead. Regardless, I need to plan what’s next. Upcoming objectives Applicability 1: In the network security world, sometimes you…