Graph Theory: Havel-Hakimi algorithm (and a twist)
Intro As is now common, I use the courses of the master as inspiration. I have recently started studying (again, from scratch) graph theory. This time around, it goes deeper into the theory and math background though, compared to past courses I have taken on the subject. For this instance, I came across some pseudo-code…
Thinking about Cybersecurity Operations
Intro I’ve seen a few “SOCs” by now (not many either, just a few), and often times companies use the NIST framework to kind of organize the teams. Alright, so I have been thinking quite a bit lately on modeling such organizations. Here I’ll mention only a few ideas for now. Feedback and Influence It’s…
Iterative function calls with Reduce
Intro In many instances, the “Numerical Methods” will imply recurrent function calls. We demonstrated how to go about this using loops here. But I wasn’t satisfied with this approach (I did mention, I prefer the apply() family of functions over for loops…). The apply() wasn’t fit for it, but while digging a bit deeper into…