Category: R Coding

  • One step further: MongoDB Backend for our data

    Intro I mentioned I meant to use a database at some point for my logs and with R. Well, I will explain a (tiny) bit about that today. But first, what data can I possibly put into my upcoming “NoSQL” database? Well, I now have lots of data. I’ll use the DNS records from my…

  • Functional Programming tests on domain names

    Intro This week’s post is a bit short but trying to point towards some great coding concepts about R. In summary, let’s just say that in R, everything is an object. So are functions. And one can have a function return an object, including… A function. Why is that cool? Because it might just help…

  • GeoIP for Maps

    To start of the year 2021, let’s go on with a visualization, using my “Home Lab”-generated data… I might have mentioned the idea of creating “maps” in the past. Bringing that down to earth, what will usually apply for us (in the IT Security field), i.e. a typical use-case for this is “geo-IP”. In other…