Category: R Coding

  • Project Log: Day 4

    Generating “Company Networks” Just as a starting point for my “Company Network Graph Generator”, I put together the first (far from great) igraph-based code to generate a 3-layer segmented Application, such that one Application can have a few front-end, a few back-end and a few database servers, like so: There was no secret, aside maybe…

  • Assume the Cow is a Sphere

    Intro I think I might have a start of an idea, for my MSc project. Although it’s… Incipient. How do we know what we know? So from a Cybersecurity (blue team) stand-point, one would (generally) want: to “segment” an IT Network as much as possible to “patch” the overall infrastructure as much/fast as possible (“Protect”)…

  • Optimization (4/n): Genetic Algorithm(s) (2/3)

    Intro This week, I’ll make it short, and instead of boring with code and explanations, I thought I’d just show an example output… Results This is a genetic algorithm in action: A population “evolves” (reproduces, “selection of the fittest”, iterate) towards an objective. Complexity of many local minima don’t seem to be an issue for…