Category: Uncategorized

  • Project log day 123: SW done

    So all the Software pieces I need are done. C++ where needed, MMCA (the Mean Field approach) functional. And much faster indeed. Next up I need to make sure the comparison of results between MC and MMCA is consistent. Then run MMCA (should take much less time) on several networks. Then move on to the…

  • Setting up a Home Lab (3/n)

    Good to have an Access Point and an actual server I go through, indeed. At the very least, I have an iptables firewall blocking all incoming traffic to the AP from the external World. But that’s not the goal in and of itself. This blog is about IT Security, yes, but ALSO and ABOVE ALL…

  • Setting up a Home Lab (2.5/n)

    I couldn’t stand it… I’m not a great fan of “throwing money” at a problem to solve it. But after some more digging, I didn’t manage to get the Wifi to go any faster. So I bought a USB 3.0 Wifi dongle. Netway U1811 to be exact. Just to see if it helped (plus, it…