Simulating a SOC (part II): GUI
Intro Last week I started a small program to simulate a SOC. This week, I wanted to see if I could make it more… Visual. This here is the “final” result working with the simulator from last week: But it wasn’t easy… So here is the long-story-short about that. (No code, as I am not…
Sharing Results: Shiny Server (beginnings)
Intro Let me step aside from the NLP topic for a moment. It’s unfortunate that I want to do so many things, and I don’t really have all the time I wish I had, but as long as I am learning as I go, well, all is good. I just wanted to make quick entry…
Logs Classification using ML (2/2)
Last week we set up the context for today’s entry. Warning: Today’s post is possibly one of the most ambitious I have written in this Blog, in terms of “concepts touched”. It is very practical, and hopefully neither boring nor completely unintelligible. More importantly: It’s about what everyone talks about, “Machine learning”. (It’s hence…