Demo: Interactive Visualization of Projects Risks
Intro I’ve mentioned a couple of times in the past the words “Shiny” and “Dashboard”. I think it’s high time we demo it and some of its capacities. Disclaimer: One could use Excel to the what’s detailed here. But this Blog is about R programming mostly, so… We won’t be doing that today. So I’ve…
A (very) simple “Network Traffic Visualization” using Network Graphs
A network visualization has nodes and edges. I like to apply it to actual IT Networks Traffic visualizations, where there are connections (edges) between two IP addresses/machines (i.e. “nodes”). Let’s try and apply that to some Netflow data… Getting the data After some searching (that was some time ago now), I came across secrepo.com. There…
Visualizing the status of multiple ongoing projects
They say big part of “Data Science” is about communicating information. This entry is about one visualization. Motivation I have been thinking for a couple of days now about how to best “transmit” the status of a set of projects. I have 40+ projects to inform about at work, but progress about 40+ projects is…