Functions, Environments, Closures: Alternatives to Objects (an intro)
Intro So I’ve mentioned the concepts of Functional Programming in R a couple of times (here & here) already. I’ve also played a bit with OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in R. But I needed to explain it to others. There are MANY resources on the topic, but I wanted to SHOW it with a reasonably…
Sharing Results: Shiny Server (beginnings)
Intro Let me step aside from the NLP topic for a moment. It’s unfortunate that I want to do so many things, and I don’t really have all the time I wish I had, but as long as I am learning as I go, well, all is good. I just wanted to make quick entry…
NLP (2/n): Tokens of text
A first (basic) look at the collected text: Tokens It’s all great: We’re able to collect all our blog entries, or well, the text thereof. We are even able to crawl a bit faster, provided we have a multi-core setup. (Worst case scenario, we’re limited in the crawling by the speed of our website’s, mostly).…