Logs Classification using ML (1/2)
Intro In this blog so far, there has been rather little “Machine Learning”. That wasn’t really intentional, but incidentally, it does show something about the whole “Data Science Process”: There is much more time to be dedicated to Data Engineering (i.e. Getting & Cleaning Data) and Exploratory Data Analysis (a.k.a. EDA, during which the objective…
Caring about nicer visualizations
Intro As I said last week, I am a bit short on spare time lately (I have a couple of other goals, on top of my job and this Blog, and a couple other hobbies…). So I’ll try to make it short this week. This is definitely “mostly for marketing”. As an engineer, I tend…
One step further: MongoDB Backend for our data
Intro I mentioned I meant to use a database at some point for my logs and with R. Well, I will explain a (tiny) bit about that today. But first, what data can I possibly put into my upcoming “NoSQL” database? Well, I now have lots of data. I’ll use the DNS records from my…