Some basic “Home Lab” Server Maintenance
Yes, I’m stepping away from pure coding concepts once again (sorry, I know the name of the Blog can be misleading sometimes… Think of all these sysadmin entries as prepping a working environment for our future data analysis exercises ;)) This bit is more about general thoughts & concepts on maintaining a running environment as…
RStudio + Shiny + Plumber + Docker
RStudio + Shiny + Plumber + Docker Intro This one is very exciting for me. So say you want to create a very complex application, that does several things. You can of course use functions, maybe in different R scripts that you can source. That way, if you work on a specific part of the…
Setting up a Home Lab (3/n)
Good to have an Access Point and an actual server I go through, indeed. At the very least, I have an iptables firewall blocking all incoming traffic to the AP from the external World. But that’s not the goal in and of itself. This blog is about IT Security, yes, but ALSO and ABOVE ALL…