Tag: basics

  • About efficiency

    Intro A few weeks back I needed to test working with the “parquet” file type. It turned out I couldn’t (as much as I tried) get my Docker container’s RStudio to take the “arrow” package and install it (it would always fail, but that’s beyond the point for this particular post). A side note about…

  • A small realisation

    A short entry about one small conclusion I reached AGAIN recently. Maybe for the n-th time, but I am now putting words to it. Please bear in mind though, this obviously does not always apply (I don’t know if the following bullet points will be misinterpreted somehow, I hope not :). Let just say, it…

  • More R for math

    Intro A real quick post about a couple of math (matrix) details, and a trick with rational numbers with R. Inverse of a Matrix Mathematically, getting to the inverse of an “nxn” matrix A means finding an nxn matrix B such that A • B = I, where I is the nxn Identity matrix. Easier…