Tag: basics

  • NLP (2/n): Tokens of text

    A first (basic) look at the collected text: Tokens It’s all great: We’re able to collect all our blog entries, or well, the text thereof. We are even able to crawl a bit faster, provided we have a multi-core setup. (Worst case scenario, we’re limited in the crawling by the speed of our website’s, mostly).…

  • Going SQL: Postgres (2/3)

    Last week we got a Container up and running with a Postgres SQL Server in it. We’re going to need a Database client to check it. At this point, in theory, we could use some R package (more on that later) to interact with our DBMS container, but instead we’ll go for a Visual client…

  • Telegram Bot to monitor a Web page – Demo

    A quick entry about creating a Telegram Bot using an R library. I tested that already some time ago, but I came up with a new use case yesterday, and I had a bit of time this morning, so… We’ll use it to create a very simple monitor for our Webpage. This very Blog website…