Cleaning Data: testing DataExplorer
Intro (It’s been a few weeks, taking some time off to recharge batteries before I get myself into a master… So I thought it would be a good idea.) Anyhow, to the point: Many a time, when working with data, the first thing will be to “look at it”. Then maybe you’ll need to clean…
Functions, Environments, Closures: Alternatives to Objects (an intro)
Intro So I’ve mentioned the concepts of Functional Programming in R a couple of times (here & here) already. I’ve also played a bit with OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in R. But I needed to explain it to others. There are MANY resources on the topic, but I wanted to SHOW it with a reasonably…
Testing Containers
Intro Now this Post is a tiny bit different, although still about working with data, and with a focus on security. But this time around, if you’ve followed a bit the Blog, we have a few “Docker” containers running on different machines, to work on security data. That’s very cool, but… What about the security…