Reading CSVs faster in R
Intro They say most of the time spent, when working in Data Science, is spent on preparing the data for the analysis. This has definitely been my experience so far. That one time, not so long ago, a Wednesday night, I was working on a report – actually I made it a Dashboard (yes, Shiny).…
Explaining the concepts of “Kaizen R” through an example
This time I’ll try to explain why the “Kaizen-R blog” even exists, through an example. Improving through deliberate practice This was THE idea, before the idea of the blog. This blog is only a consequence, really. So this time, I focused on the deliberate practice, and I will only summarise it here, then reference you…
A quick look at memory usage when “copying variables”
This one is not exactly about changing code in practice… This entry differs a bit in that it is purely “educational”, not an opinion or recommendation or anything to change in the way I program at all, but rather about how the R interpreter works. As always, there are much better references out there (see…