Tag: kaizen

  • Getting started with Optimization

    Intro I’ve mentioned I’m looking for a subject for my project, and that one of the concepts I’d like to leverage is what’s commonly called “Operations Research”, also known more generally as “Optimization”. Of course, I want to use R for it 🙂 And so I chose a course about that. The course has started,…

  • Thinking about Cybersecurity Operations

    Intro I’ve seen a few “SOCs” by now (not many either, just a few), and often times companies use the NIST framework to kind of organize the teams. Alright, so I have been thinking quite a bit lately on modeling such organizations. Here I’ll mention only a few ideas for now. Feedback and Influence It’s…

  • Still looking for idea

    Intro I’m still thinking generally about the same ideas, which is a good sign (I didn’t yet get bored with it). List of topics Here is the current list of ideas/concepts I’m looking into: Return of Security Investment (ROSI) Entropy Simulation & Monte Carlo Mathematical Modelling Ordinary Differential Equations & Chaos Numerical Methods Operational Research…