Getting into Apache Spark
Intro Most RDBMS’s are just fine. Hadoop does work for Big Data (I used it some years back), although HQL proved a bit slow… And I haven’t “needed” anything to make things faster for now… But for whatever reason, one can’t be “into data science” (or data analysis, or whatever you name it…), without knowing…
Working with MS SQL
Intro So in the past I’ve looked into Postgres and/or (a bit of) MongoDB. Both nice alternatives to consider! But in some cases, one has to use other flavours of SQL, say in some corporate settings: Think for instance Oracle, or MS SQL Server, or if you’re Cloud inclined… Azure SQL 😉 One of the…
Higher Performance in R – Amdahl and Gustafson’s laws
Intro So I’m currently taking this course about “High Performance Computing”. This entry is not about that exactly: let’s face it, R is not the best option there 😀 But some concepts I touched in the past I thought I could summarise today (for example of past entries: here or here, and more links in the…