Looking for ideas
Intro So this particular entry is a bit… Different. At least I’m circling back to Cybersecurity, which I hadn’t mentioned for a while. I have spent some time lately just “thinking” about what to do for the Master’s final project (aka Master Thesis). And here are some thoughts. About the process In a book (this…
Reading about Chaos Theory
Intro So I took a course in “Numerical Methods”, and (somehow) passed (I loved every bit of it, although it was HARD!). But then of course, taking a course doesn’t make me “proficient” at the subject matter. At best, it has exposed me to it and given me some confidence that I in fact can…
The FizzBuzz Kata
Intro I didn’t know about this one. Then again, I’m not “actually” a programmer, so I guess I have an excuse… Or do I? I do spend lots of time programming in R 🙂 It’s been a while since I last wrote here. Holidays + Master + full time job (and recently, the Cybersecurity world…