On Domain Expertise
Once again I will step away from purely “programming” concepts, but this is tangent to say the least. This entry is more about theory of Data Science and one particular aspect, that is the “Domain Knowledge”. Speaking the right language There are discussions out there in the Project Management field, for example, about whether or…
On Sampling
In a past exercise (the one on a simplified visualization of Netflows), I had a very big file, and I wanted to extract a subset of the data to demo a visualization. The first part of the entry was about a way to divide a big file into smaller chunks, and extract samples with a…
Explaining the concepts of “Kaizen R” through an example
This time I’ll try to explain why the “Kaizen-R blog” even exists, through an example. Improving through deliberate practice This was THE idea, before the idea of the blog. This blog is only a consequence, really. So this time, I focused on the deliberate practice, and I will only summarise it here, then reference you…