Tag: R

  • The FizzBuzz Kata

    Intro I didn’t know about this one. Then again, I’m not “actually” a programmer, so I guess I have an excuse… Or do I? I do spend lots of time programming in R 🙂 It’s been a while since I last wrote here. Holidays + Master + full time job (and recently, the Cybersecurity world…

  • More R for math

    Intro A real quick post about a couple of math (matrix) details, and a trick with rational numbers with R. Inverse of a Matrix Mathematically, getting to the inverse of an “nxn” matrix A means finding an nxn matrix B such that A • B = I, where I is the nxn Identity matrix. Easier…

  • Learning about Computing Errors

    Intro As part of the courses I am taking, I learned about something I guess I, as a “computer engineer”, should have come across earlier; but well, it would seem I didn’t. I’ll just show 3 examples anyone can easily find out there on the Internet, of things that happen with floating point operations. Obviously…