Logs Classification using ML (2/2)
Last week we set up the context for today’s entry. Warning: Today’s post is possibly one of the most ambitious I have written in this Blog, in terms of “concepts touched”. It is very practical, and hopefully neither boring nor completely unintelligible. More importantly: It’s about what everyone talks about, “Machine learning”. (It’s hence…
Caring about nicer visualizations
Intro As I said last week, I am a bit short on spare time lately (I have a couple of other goals, on top of my job and this Blog, and a couple other hobbies…). So I’ll try to make it short this week. This is definitely “mostly for marketing”. As an engineer, I tend…
Functional Programming tests on domain names
Intro This week’s post is a bit short but trying to point towards some great coding concepts about R. In summary, let’s just say that in R, everything is an object. So are functions. And one can have a function return an object, including… A function. Why is that cool? Because it might just help…