Tag: R

  • A basic scraping exercise for a friend

    Intro The other day a friend that owns a small business asked me for help. He needed to download all photos from a set of URLs of his own web-page, but there were hundreds of URLs, in each a few photos, and he didn’t really know how to go about it “quickly” (as always, it…

  • Graph Theory: Havel-Hakimi algorithm (and a twist)

    Intro As is now common, I use the courses of the master as inspiration. I have recently started studying (again, from scratch) graph theory. This time around, it goes deeper into the theory and math background though, compared to past courses I have taken on the subject. For this instance, I came across some pseudo-code…

  • Getting started with Optimization

    Intro I’ve mentioned I’m looking for a subject for my project, and that one of the concepts I’d like to leverage is what’s commonly called “Operations Research”, also known more generally as “Optimization”. Of course, I want to use R for it 🙂 And so I chose a course about that. The course has started,…