Tag: Running environment

  • Project Log: Day 25 – Back to work

    Alright, so a few days back, I did some numbers and concluded that… This thing as it is is somewhat CPU-intensive. I could (maybe I should) look into making the core component of the simulation work on GPU, probably. But this is a personal project and instead, I want to scale OUT instead, to… MORE…

  • Project Log: Day 18 – Some numbers

    So let’s do an exercise here. What’s my O()? The order of how many processing steps I’m doing? It’s not too awfully hard to “guesstimate”. *** EDIT: All numbers of operations below are wrong at least by a factor of 8, because where it says O(N^2) it should have said O(kN), where k is the…

  • Project Log: Day 9 – Maintenance and cleaning

    Absolutely uninteresting in and of itself, but a note so that I understand later on where my efforts went. Today is all about “investing in my future self”, namely writing some more in the report itself, but mostly taking the (working, mind you) bits and pieces and making something more orderly out of it: Reorganize…