Tag: Running environment

  • Every day I keep learning

    Intro  I missed writing an entry last week. Not that I haven’t learned anything I could discuss, but rather because I have been learning and coding a bit too much lately… Learning more about Postgres Among many other things (that will make for potentially quite a few other entries in the Blog), I learned one…

  • Sharing Results: Shiny Server (beginnings)

    Intro Let me step aside from the NLP topic for a moment. It’s unfortunate that I want to do so many things, and I don’t really have all the time I wish I had, but as long as I am learning as I go, well, all is good. I just wanted to make quick entry…

  • Testing Containers

    Intro Now this Post is a tiny bit different, although still about working with data, and with a focus on security. But this time around, if you’ve followed a bit the Blog, we have a few “Docker” containers running on different machines, to work on security data. That’s very cool, but… What about the security…