More external data sources tests: OWASP Amass
So I already wrote a quick post on Shodan recently. I’ve come across plenty of data sources over time (IPVoid, DomainTools, NetworksDB, the usual Virustotal (…), on top of the classics tools for discovery like whois & nslookup/dig and well, a long list). But I’ve been pointed to a new tool that I didn’t know…
Shodan API tests
First of all, sorry I haven’t published more in the past few weeks. I simply have been… Pretty busy. But now it is time to try and get back to the good habits, and a weekly publication here is one of my personal goals (and quite fulfilling, in spite of not always being possible). Introduction…
Logs Classification using ML (2/2)
Last week we set up the context for today’s entry. Warning: Today’s post is possibly one of the most ambitious I have written in this Blog, in terms of “concepts touched”. It is very practical, and hopefully neither boring nor completely unintelligible. More importantly: It’s about what everyone talks about, “Machine learning”. (It’s hence…