Tag: simulation

  • Project Log: Day 56 – Actually running

    I think I finished at last a simple “orchestrator”, that distributes the workload to the “workers” as they get their hands free. Now it’s all about checking that finishing conditions are met correctly, and then leaving the computers do their magic for a few hours (or maybe days, as I am running configuration mixes for…

  • Project Log: Day 49 – Naive idea?

    So yesterday for absolutely no reason, I had an idea to test an altogether different strategy. My current project of SIS optimization with GA kinda works, yes. And I’m very happy about it. And I still need to try out the Markov-Chain approach (see if I can run things MUCH faster). Anyhow, what if I…

  • Project Log – Day 43: Infra ready for distribution

    Confirmed expected amount of processing units Quick post to clarify that yes, I have up to 16 available threads for my R container(s) in the new miniPC. And the containers work the same (that was expected) regardless where I run them. Here a screenshot for situation as viewed from my Mac, with 3 containers running…