Tag: simulation

  • Project Log – Day 41: More power

    New CPUs Yesterday morning I received my new “home server”, let’s call it “home server 2”. It’s a miniPC. But it still has… 16 threads!   I skipped lunch yesterday, but about an hour later (it was fully new, I had to configure everything from scratch), it also sported a WSL2-based Ubuntu 22.04+Docker Desktop, on…

  • Project Log – Day 36: Preppin’ for more

    So I recently mentioned I might want to distribute my workloads. I wasn’t quite sure to go for that. I have decided to move forward with the idea, and will be deploying some code with plumbeR on some (new) separate CPUs and threads. Not because it’s a clever idea (in fact, it’s **mostly** a waste…

  • Project Log: Day 32 – About topologies

    This week-end I was focusing on a Scale-Free network to try and choose better parameters for the efficacy/efficiency (both) of the Genetic Algorithm. The idea behind choosing such a network was to see if it would help to have a network with few highly connected vertices. And it worked! Comparing with random network Above –…