On Domain Expertise
Once again I will step away from purely “programming” concepts, but this is tangent to say the least. This entry is more about theory of Data Science and one particular aspect, that is the “Domain Knowledge”. Speaking the right language There are discussions out there in the Project Management field, for example, about whether or…
A series on IP addresses in R – 1/n
As is usual, data in the security field is “domain specific”. Among other things, certain numbers are to be treated like factors and not ordinals (e.g. TCP Port Numbers…). IP addresses are an example of data that “looks” somewhat numeric, and actually can be transformed into numerics, but are not exactly such. An IP…
A quick look at memory usage when “copying variables”
This one is not exactly about changing code in practice… This entry differs a bit in that it is purely “educational”, not an opinion or recommendation or anything to change in the way I program at all, but rather about how the R interpreter works. As always, there are much better references out there (see…