Tag: visualizing data

  • Caring about nicer visualizations

    Intro As I said last week, I am a bit short on spare time lately (I have a couple of other goals, on top of my job and this Blog, and a couple other hobbies…). So I’ll try to make it short this week. This is definitely “mostly for marketing”. As an engineer, I tend…

  • GeoIP for Maps

    To start of the year 2021, let’s go on with a visualization, using my “Home Lab”-generated data… I might have mentioned the idea of creating “maps” in the past. Bringing that down to earth, what will usually apply for us (in the IT Security field), i.e. a typical use-case for this is “geo-IP”. In other…

  • Setting up a Home Lab (3/n)

    Good to have an Access Point and an actual server I go through, indeed. At the very least, I have an iptables firewall blocking all incoming traffic to the AP from the external World. But that’s not the goal in and of itself. This blog is about IT Security, yes, but ALSO and ABOVE ALL…